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^h0neyLiZiE^ is*honey
^h0neyLiZiE^ on @#pilipino @#abnoy @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#YM +#chadiks +#oton +#iloilo @#bcd-iloilo @#iloilocity @#citylife @#deadshy @#crucifixion @#pasaway @#deathfreakizz @#witch_Cradle @#rakenrol @#CDOChat @#gwafs @#iloilo-metal @#30plusmanila @#Flipzone @#assumption @#earthlings @#roxas @#rf @#pinoycafe @#Boracay @#novaliches @#einstein @#cebu}{kiss
^h0neyLiZiE^ using Banetele, Norway
^h0neyLiZiE^ is logged in as LaBoTNyO
^h0neyLiZiE^ is actually noty@ []
^h0neyLiZiE^ End of /WHOIS list.

TwiNkLe is * aLL i Get iS D sAmE buLLsHit EvErYdAy
TwiNkLe on @#assumption @#JaRo +#iloilocity +#olioli @#e-longgo @#sof @#WeaKiDz @#smac +#rakenrol @#LaSalle-Bacolod @#bcd-iloilo @#pasaway @#island-panay #gwafs @#miming-kuting @#teenster @#spui @#SiLaY @#deadshy @#YM +#oton +#cLuBKiZz @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#deathfreakizz #iloilo
TwiNkLe using * The Undernet Underworld
TwiNkLe is logged in as freakgurl
TwiNkLe End of /WHOIS list.

`kitkat^baR is * kitty
`kitkat^baR on +#inhs #buang #teenster #YM @#miming-kuting #JaRo +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #iloilocity #e-longgo #deathfreakizz +#deadshy +#campusbacolod #bcd-iloilo
`kitkat^baR using * The Undernet Underworld
`kitkat^baR is logged in as blahblahblah
`kitkat^baR End of /WHOIS list.

evilclown_f is * tingkOy ka?whO is mKo aw?
evilclown_f on +#inhs @#barkadatrivia #crucifixion @#olioli +#gwafs @#bcd-iloilo +#pasaway +#bacolod +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#YM +#iloilo +#abnoy
evilclown_f using * The Undernet Underworld
evilclown_f is logged in as SaintSinner
evilclown_f End of /WHOIS list.

^cLuBk|d^ is * <------ Labz ni ^KiZzEz^
^cLuBk|d^ on @#iloilo @#earthlings @#csj @#hwasiong @#dipolog @#YM #ssa-bcd @#olioli @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#cLuBKiZz #pasaway @#barkada
^cLuBk|d^ using * The Undernet Underworld
^cLuBk|d^ is logged in as clubkid
^cLuBk|d^ End of /WHOIS list.

`CaSp3|2` is* I MiSs YoU WeNdY So MuCh
`CaSp3|2` on +#bes-op-prens +#ClubFilipino @#WeaKiDz @#earthlings @#hwasiong @#sof @#pasaway @#nationalista @#inggos +#CDOChat @#quietpoetic @#manghalasay @#pasiklab @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#rakizta @#molo @#JaRo #iloilo @#BaLLPaRK
`CaSp3|2` using * The Undernet Underworld
`CaSp3|2` is logged in as LuvUhOnEyZ
`CaSp3|2` End of /WHOIS list.

[neoHUNTER] is* -
[neoHUNTER] on @#iloilo @#olioli @#usjrbasak @#pinoycafe @#rakenrol @#pasaway @#hinigaran @#earthlings @#cpu @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#ClubFilipino @#YM @#bes-op-prens @#ssa-bcd @#roxas #cebucity @#hrsp +#mandaue @#cbu @#usc-ghs
[neoHUNTER] using * The Undernet Underworld
[neoHUNTER] is logged in as pr0tag0nist
[neoHUNTER] End of /WHOIS list.

scyld is * -===THE.VOICE.FROM.THE.DARK.SIDE===-
scyld on @#iloilo @#flirtville @#rf @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#usls @#earthlings +#barkada @#pinoyster @#assumption
scyld using * The Undernet Underworld
scyld is logged in as scyld
scyld End of /WHOIS list.

shepherd is* shepherd
shepherd on #florida @#oton @#miming-kuting @#earthlings @#gwafs @#teenster @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#iloilo @#caribbean @#nationalista @#witch_Cradle
shepherd using * The Undernet Underworld
shepherd is logged in as shepherd
shepherd End of /WHOIS list.

RE[y]miL`OjT is* [ xXREymiLXx ][ eLdoRaDo GuiLD ]
RE[y]miL`OjT on @#bonga_itan #seb #gha #bcd-iloilo @#olioli @#YM #hiligaynon @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#sof #mandaue @#JaRo @#pasaway +#cLuBKiZz #iloilo
RE[y]miL`OjT using * The Undernet Underworld
RE[y]miL`OjT is logged in as BaLaHuBa
RE[y]miL`OjT End of /WHOIS list.

aRf` is* JeReMy``
aRf` on #bacolod +#santamaria +#bi-bacolod +#CDOChat +#SiLaY +#YM +#Flipzone +#abnoy #Weirdo #cdo +#rf +#inhs +#deadshy @#hinigaran @#crucifixion +#campusbacolod +#pasaway +#JaRo +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#bcd-iloilo
aRf` using * The Undernet Underworld
aRf` is logged in as guy22
aRf` End of /WHOIS list.

kenjix is aedism@ * kenjix®
kenjix on +#olioli @#earthlings @#gwafs @#pasaway +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#iloilo +#bench #JaRo #SamuraiX
kenjix using * The Undernet Underworld
kenjix is logged in as kenjix
kenjix End of /WHOIS list.

MeL^ is* /?\ p A k Y u /?\
MeL^ on +#inhs @#stambayan #earthlings @#gwafs @#csj +#olioli +#bcd-iloilo +#pasaway @#rf +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#YM +#iloilo @#micro3 +#witch_Cradle
MeL^ using * The Undernet Underworld
MeL^ is logged in as MeL909
MeL^ End of /WHOIS list.

cHeSter`` is* .
cHeSter`` on @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #irc_fun #iloilo @#hudas @#earthlings +#deadshy #crucifixion #barkadatrivia +#barkada
cHeSter`` using * The Undernet Underworld
cHeSter`` is logged in as cHeStEr23
cHeSter`` End of /WHOIS list.

CDOChat is* YoYoY^_^
CDOChat on #bcd-iloilo #cdo #cagayandeoro #cagayan @#egma +#manghalasay #patin-ay +#IGSP +#inhs @#CDOChat @#xuc +#ccs +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn
CDOChat using * The Undernet Underworld
CDOChat is logged in as inlovw8sam1
CDOChat End of /WHOIS list.

PeRiWiNkLe16 is* Powered by #EARTHLINGS
PeRiWiNkLe16 on +#lnhs +#angelescity +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#iloilo @#deadshy +#gwapo #VICTIM @#teenster @#miming-kuting @#assumption @#olioli +#iloilo-metal @#hinigaran #hiligaynon #gwafs #Flipzone @#earthlings @#deathfreakizz #crucifixion @#bcd-iloilo
PeRiWiNkLe16 using * The Undernet Underworld
PeRiWiNkLe16 is logged in as winkz
PeRiWiNkLe16 End of /WHOIS list.

boy_ngalit is * allan
boy_ngalit on +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#Flipzone
boy_ngalit using * The Undernet Underworld
boy_ngalit is logged in as superproxy
boy_ngalit End of /WHOIS list.

i0wa is * Legend Killer?
i0wa on @#sstc +#rakenrol #YM +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#gwafs @#rf @#smac @#roxas
i0wa using * The Undernet Underworld
i0wa is logged in as i0wa
i0wa End of /WHOIS list.

martz``` is * -
martz``` on @#e-longgo +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #earthlings +#SiLaY #teenster #pasaway @#olioli +#crucifixion #bcd-iloilo #abnoy #bacolod
martz``` using * The Undernet Underworld
martz``` is logged in as ragasa
martz``` End of /WHOIS list.

^^sL1m^ is ~AMIOK@ * AM I OK?
^^sL1m^ on #olioli #citylife +#deadshy +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #earthlings #gwafs #football #iloilo
^^sL1m^ using * The Undernet Underworld
^^sL1m^ is logged in as sL1m
^^sL1m^ End of /WHOIS list.

KiZzEz is * <---- Labz ni ^cLuBk|d^
KiZzEz on +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#iloilo @#YM @#deathfreakizz @#cLuBKiZz #Blasterq @#earthlings
KiZzEz using * The Undernet Underworld
KiZzEz is logged in as KiZzEz
KiZzEz End of /WHOIS list.

s3xy_kaye is * lovely175
s3xy_kaye on +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #rakizta #calamba #seb #BaLLPaRK #molo #earthlings #gwafs +#crucifixion +#inhs +#olioli
s3xy_kaye using * The Undernet Underworld
s3xy_kaye is away: nick s3xy_kaye
s3xy_kaye End of /WHOIS list.

^GraPhics^ is * wale
^GraPhics^ on #CTLife @#pugadbaboy +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #wackers #buang #citylife #iloilo +#barkadatrivia +#wyldnation +#barkada
^GraPhics^ using * The Undernet Underworld
^GraPhics^is logged in as Manyakitos
^GraPhics^ End of /WHOIS list.

FallOutBoy is * Sugar We`re Goin` Down
FallOutBoy on +#inhs +#visayas @#olioli +#pasaway +#sof +#Aubrey +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #YM #iloilo +#iloilo-metal +#witch_Cradle
FallOutBoy using * The Undernet Underworld
FallOutBoy is logged in as FalloutBoy
FallOutBoy End of /WHOIS list.

fi0na- is * -Love me or Hate me-
fi0na- on #iloilo @#olioli @#gwafs @#iloilo-metal #bcd-iloilo #iloilocity @#kapatid @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#csj @#inhs @#nationalista #bacolod @#witch_Cradle @#kalibo
fi0na- using * The Undernet Underworld
fi0na- is logged in as namitz
fi0na- End of /WHOIS list.

`0 is * XR
`0 on @#clubchill @#sloth @#souladik @#valleverde @#roxas @#pinoyster @#WorldLove @#iloilo-metal @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#YM @#ircBaCoLoD @#inhs @#visayas @#Boracay @#bcd-iloilo @#sof @#Aubrey @#quietpoetic @#khatrina @#spui +#iloilo @#santamaria
`0 using * The Undernet Underworld
`0 is logged in as JRGC
`0 End of /WHOIS list.

Zildjian is * Recreo Defendo Regno
Zildjian on @#deadshy @#pinoycafe @#usapan @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#asteg @#khatrina @#aminah @#buendia @#rakenrol
Zildjian using * The Undernet Underworld
Zildjian is logged in as blackout666
Zildjian End of /WHOIS list.

jay_ar` is * Powered by #EARTHLINGS
jay_ar` on @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #hudas #YM @#earthlings @#pasaway @#olioli #irc_fun +#barkada
jay_ar` using * The Undernet Underworld
jay_ar` is logged in as JayAr04
jay_ar` End of /WHOIS list.

cody- is * sometimes imitated but never been duplicated.
cody- on +#davao #citylife #filipino @#PinoyTayo +#globalpinoy +#MR&MS +#dryx +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#mantawi @#californialove @#ofw @#daemonshells
cody- using * The Undernet Underworld
cody- is logged in as cody187
cody- End of /WHOIS list.

HardRock2006 is * rockhouse
HardRock2006 on @#kapatid #blackpipers #earthlings #hiligaynon +#olioli +#gwafs +#witch_Cradle @#rf #iloilo +#oton +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn
HardRock2006 using * The Undernet Underworld
HardRock2006 is logged in as ROCKHOUSE
HardRock2006 End of /WHOIS list.

iCeqUeen106 is * anG Ga pM sa aKon mANyaKiz
iCeqUeen106 on +#crucifixion +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn
iCeqUeen106 using * The Undernet Underworld
iCeqUeen106 is logged in as freakshet
iCeqUeen106 End of /WHOIS list.

MangKulas is * Mangkulas®
MangKulas on #metrocagayan #LDCU #divisoria #baclaran +#CDOChat #cityofangels +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#JBC-LaSalle
MangKulas using * The Undernet Underworld
MangKulas End of /WHOIS list.

UnAvaiLaBLe is * UnAvaiLaBLe
UnAvaiLaBLe on #witch_Cradle @#gwafs +#teenster #oton #olioli #iloilo +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#bungkling
UnAvaiLaBLe using * The Undernet Underworld
UnAvaiLaBLe is logged in as UnAvaiLaBLe
UnAvaiLaBLe End of /WHOIS list.

tjay is * tjay
tjay on #bonga_itan +#inggos #earthlings @#csj +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #iloilo +#witch_Cradle
tjay using * The Undernet Underworld
tjay is logged in as rOckErs
tjay End of /WHOIS list.

Rexel-off- on * p0o9i8u7y6t5
Rexel-off- on +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#campusbacolod #einstein #bcd-iloilo #csj @#pangabuhi @#rexel
Rexel-off- using * The Undernet Underworld
Rexel-off- is logged in as tAgAiLoiLo
Rexel-off- End of /WHOIS list.

aftersh0ck is * Powered By: technics
aftersh0ck on @#ortigas #CTLife @#caloocan @#magdalo +#rakenrol +#ClubFilipino +#bes-op-prens +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn #citylife
aftersh0ck using * The Undernet Underworld
aftersh0ck is logged in as basstrends
aftersh0ck End of /WHOIS list.

v|ruz` is * Recreo Defendo Regno
v|ruz` on #citylife @#buendia @#ArChMaGe @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#pinoycafe @#d.a.r.e @#adik @#khatrina @#ceu @#adamson @#tropangcali +#rakenrol
v|ruz` using * The Undernet Underworld
v|ruz` is logged in as RhoDeltaRho
v|ruz` End of /WHOIS list.

Rachel` is * nagay whois kabalan ka nga lampingasan!!!
Rachel` on #iloilo #Flipzone +#Passi`City +#VICTIM +#roxas +#deadshy +#crucifixion @#olioli @#pba @#iloilo-metal @#smac #bcd-iloilo @#partybacolod @#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#island-panay @#inggos @#bacolodcity @#SiLaY #bacolod
Rachel` using * The Undernet Underworld
Rachel` is logged in as DreamingOfU
Rachel` End of /WHOIS list.

DarkWave is ~asa_ka_pa@ * iloilocity
DarkWave on +#khatrina #cebu @#pilipino +#iRiRiMaW_tAtOn #iloilocity
DarkWave using * The Undernet Underworld
DarkWave End of /WHOIS list.

DeMoL|T|oN is * OWNED BY : `CaSp3|2` / m0n^-^m0n
DeMoL|T|oN on +#calamba #einstein @#deadshy +#rakizta #divisoria +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn +#nationalista @#molo @#BaLLPaRK
DeMoL|T|oN using * The Undernet Underworld
DeMoL|T|oN is logged in as DeMoLiTiOn
DeMoL|T|oN End of /WHOIS list.

sQuiZzJiNx is * honey
sQuiZzJiNx on @#pilipino @#island-panay @#dOuLoVeMe @#sof @#bonga_itan @#spui +#abnoy @#deathfreakizz @#VICTIM @#globalpinoy @#tribuz @#rf +#iRiRimAw_tAtOn @#RASTA-BLY #cebu}{kiss @#assumption +#Boracay +#gwafs +#Flipzone +#CDOChat +#rakenrol +#crucifixion #roxas +#pinoycafe @#WeaKiDz
sQuiZzJiNx using * The Undernet Underworld
sQuiZzJiNx is logged in as dOuLoVeMe
sQuiZzJiNx End of /WHOIS list.

[ Powered by ^h0neyLiZiE^ ]